Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Positive Post-it Day

My 5th grade students just finished celebrating Positive Post-it Day.  If you haven't heard of Positive Post-it Day you can read about the student who created it HERE.  You can also watch the YouTube video HERE.  I plan to have a school-wide postive post-it day next year but started with the fifth graders this year.  

Positive Post-it Day can be done with any grade level.  The Kindergarten Smorgasboard shared here lesson HERE.

Image result for post it notes locker

My Lesson:
1.  Give each student a class roster (or write each student's name on the board).
2. Give each student a pack of post-it notes.
3.  Have students write a positive message on each note.  I asked students to write messages that would be meaningful to each specific student so we did include names in the messages.
4.  Allow students to place post it notes on lockers.
5.  Give students time to return to their own locker to read the messages their classmates wrote to them.
6.  Students leave their post-it notes on their lockers until the end of the school day when they can remove them and take them home with them.

I had a lot of positive feedback after this lesson.  Some of the students were really surprised by their classmates comments:)

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