Thursday, September 3, 2015

Girl's Group

Girl’s Group

Lesson 1:  Review of last year, Who am I?, Group Rules
Who Am I?  Complete the following sentence:  My name is ___________, and the coolest thing about me is__________________.

Lesson 2:  Self-Esteem
-Each girl will close their eyes and picture themselves.  They will be encouraged to think about how they feel about their bodies, families, home, school, friends, etc…  After a few minutes they will open their eyes.  They will then put the images they thought about on their piece of paper.  When they have finished drawing they will share their pictures with the group.  Each girl will say something that they like about themselves.

Lesson 3:  Positive Body Image
Slips of paper will be placed in a cup with the following words:  hair, eyes, legs, arms, hands, ears, etc…  The girls will pass the cup around and take a slip of paper.  Each girl will then say something positive about the body part that she picked.

Lesson 4:  Popularity
Ask the girls about a student in their class who is popular.  Why do others admire this person?  Each girl will then be given an envelope with their name in it.  They will be told that inside their envelope is the name of the coolest girl that there is.  They will try to guess who’s name is inside.  Then they will open their bag.
Questions:  How did you feel sing your own name in the bag?  Do you believe that you are the coolest?  Draw pictures of things that make you cool on your envelope.

Lesson 5:  Fill me up
Each girl will get a piece of paper with the outline of a body on it.  The girls will decorate the face to look like themselves.  They will then pass the paper around and each person will write positive messages on it.
Lesson 6:  Choices
Each girl will be told that she is going on a sleepover.  Each girl gets to bring only three things in her suitcase.  A suitcase, sleeping bag, food, and drinks will be provided.  Ask each girl to share the things she would like to bring and their reason for bringing them. 
Was this a hard choice to make?
How did you make your choice?
Could there be any consequences of your choices?
End with Choices in Jar

Lesson 7:  Smart Choices
Decision Making
Someone in your class said that she is not going to invite you to her birthday party.
Someone has been calling you names and says that she is going to beat you up if you tell anyone.
Someone in your class said that you hair is ugly.
Someone said that she is going to have a secret club and only some girls can be in it, while others cannot be part of it.
Your friends always laugh at the way a girl on your bus dresses.
One of your friends said that you cannot sit beside her.
Your friend said that if you sit beside someone else in lunch, she will not be your friend anymore.
Your friend tells someone that she cannot join in the game of ball that you are playing.
What is a poor choice?  Can some poor choices be dangerous?

Lesson 8:  Recipe for a healthy life
As a group the girls will write on two large pieces of paper.  One paper will have the recipe for a successful life and the other will have the recipe for an unsuccessful life.  (eat healthy, get enough sleep, listen to my parents, do my homework/stay up late, watch lots of TV, eat junk food, disobey my parents, not do homework, get in trouble.
Have you ever made an unhealthy choice?  What happened?
Tell me about a healthy choice you made.  What happened?
Healthy Lesson Ideas

Lesson 9:  Choices-Thinking Caps
Tell me some choices that you make every day.  (what to eat, what to wear, whether or not to listen, whether or not to do homework, whether or not to be nice to friends, etc)
Is it easier to make a good choice or a bad choice?  (bad choice)
What helps you decide what to do?
Do your friends ever make poor choices?
Do you ever make poor choices because you feel pressure from friends?
What are the consequences?
Write some suggestions for making good choices on your paper.
Each girl will then wrap the paper into a cone and put it on her head to remember to make good choices.

Lesson 10:  Rumors
Telephone game:  Whisper “it is important for girls to learn healthy and appropriate ways to communicate with others”
Talk about what happens with rumors.
       Can you believe that someone said something if you were not the one to hear it?  Why or Why not?
       What should you do if you hear a rumor that someone said about you or someone else?

Lesson 11:  Talk it Out
What is conflict? (a disagreement between people)
Tell me about some conflicts that have happened with your friends.
What are some negative reactions you could have to conflict? (yell, accuse, tattle, push)
What are some positive reactions you could have?  (taking a break, talking to an adult, talking it out)
How can you stay cool when you get in a conflict with someone else?

Lesson 12:  Problem-Solving
It is very hard to fix problems with friends.  What are some problems that friends have?
(fighting over friends, excluding each other, hurting each other’s feelings, and talking about each other)
Each girl will receive a popsicle stick and an outline of a girl.  They will create their own puppet.  Each girl will be given a conflict and they will use their puppet to act out the conflict.
       You are trying to talk to one of your friends and she is ignoring you.
       Someone tells you that she will not be your friend anymore.
       Your friend is trying to make you not talk to another one of your friends.
       Your friend is saying mean things to you about the way you look.
       You heard that your friend has been talking about you.
       Your friend is teasing you about your shoes.
       Your friend hurt your feelings.
       Your friend told you that she would hang out with you during recess, and she has been hanging out with different girls instead.

Lesson 13:  Talk to me
The girls will learn how to act appropriately during difficult situations.
What is communication?  (getting your message across to someone)
What is body language? (Communicating without using words)
Today we will focus on good ways to communicate with friends and teachers.
We know that verbal language can be negative (yelling, putdowns, etc…)
How can body language be negative (eye rolling, shrugging, sighing, etc)
Each girl will have 4 slips of paper and they will write a good way to communicate with others.  We will link them together to form a chain of good communication.
Lesson 14:  managing emotions
Feelings Pictionary
The following words will be in a cup:  nervous, sad, mad, embarrassed, scared, jealous, surprised, annoyed, worried, and disappointed. 
Player must pick a word out of the cup and try to draw it.  The drawer and the person who guess correctly get points.
Talk about a time you lost your temper.
What are some unhealthy ways to deal with emotions such as sadness, anger, or jealousy?
What seems to make you angriest?
How do people in your family act when they are happy, sad, or angry?
What are some things that help you feel better when you are upset?
How do you solve your problems when you and your friends fight?

Lesson 15Friendships
Girls will have to work as a team to put together the friendship puzzle. Blank Puzzle Pieces 
What does the word friend mean?
What was it like working as a team to complete the puzzle?
What are some ways you and your friends work together?
What are some areas in which you and your friends may have difficulty working together?

Lesson 16Perceptions
Each girl will get a piece of paper with an optical allusion on it. (Allusions)
The girls will take turns presenting their picture to the group.  Each girl should look carefully at the picture and talk about the different things they see in the picture.
Different people can look at the same thing and see different things.  We all have different reactions to experiences as well.  Two friends may watch the same movie:  One may love it, the other may hate it.  Two friends might eat the same pizza:  One thinks it’s the best pizza she ever had, the other isn’t so fond of it.
How do you feel when your friends or family have opinions that are different from yours?
Do you ever feel as though you should believe the same things that others believe?
Is it hard to believe something or do something that differs from what others believe or do?

Lesson 17Friendship
Have a selection of magazines available.  Ask students to cut out pictures showing friends hanging out together.
The girls will each pick one picture and write a story about the girls in the picture.  We want to know about possible conflicts, friendship issues, and ways to deal with the problems.
The girls will take turns presenting their story to the group.
What are some great things about friendship?
What are some common problems you and your friends have?

Lesson 19:  Conflict Resolution
Each girl will share a time that a friend has hurt their feelings.
The girls will then pick scenarios and will role play the scenario for the group.
Questions:  Scenarios
Was it hard to think of healthy responses to the scenarios?
Which scenario do you think would be the most difficult for you?

Lesson 20:  Teamwork
We will discuss the meaning of the word “teamwork”
What are some great things about working together as a team?
What are some difficulties when working with others?
Each group will build a tower with toothpicks and marshmallows Toothpick Challenge
What was hard about working as a team?

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