Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Teaching Self-Control with Clark the Shark

Clark the Shark loves life but he acts impulsively and struggles with self-control. He struggles with self-control in the lunchroom, in the classroom and on the playground.   Clark's energy and excitement cause him to become so out of control that he gets himself in some trouble.  Clark uses rhymes to help him remember appropriate ways to behave.

Clark the Shark is the perfect book for starting a conversation about classroom rules.  I have used this book during kindergarten classroom guidance lessons and the kids loved it. This book is also great to use in small group lessons focused on self-control, behavior, impassivity, friendship behaviors, etc... I usually use this book with students in K-2 but I have also used Clark the Shark with older students. My older students have had a lot of fun creating comic strips about Clark.

Here are some links to some supplemental materials:   Clark the Shark Activity Pack and  Activity Pack.

I also found two lessons at Teachers Pay Teachers.  One is free and the other is a few dollars.  You can see those HERE and HERE.

Discussion Questions:
1.  How does Clark feel about school?
2.  Are Clark's friends having fun playing jump rope at recess?
3.  How do Clark's friends feel about his behavior at the lunch table?  How can you tell?  Why do they feel this way?
4.  Why did the other fish stop playing with Clark?  Why did they stop eating lunch with him?  Why didn't anybody want to sit by Clark at circle time?
5.  What did Mrs. Inkydink tell Clark to do?
6.  Did that suggestion work?
7.  What was Clark's solution to his problem?  Did it work?
8.  What did Clark do to control himself when he felt like bouncing out of his seat?
9.  How did Clark stop himself from eating his friend's lunches?
10.  How did Clark make recess more fun?
11.  Can you make up a rhyme to help you stay in control of a behavior?

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