Friday, February 13, 2015

The Day It Rained Hearts

I always teach my "Bucket Filling" unit in February so that I can use this book:  The Day it Rained Hearts.

Cornelia August has a big heart and when it starts raining hearts, she catches them and uses them to make Valentine's Day cards.  Cornelia August puts a lot of thought into her cards, using just the right heart for each friend. This story can be used at any point during the school year but I try to use it around Valentines Day.   We have a discussion about kindness/thoughtfulness and relate this to the bucket filling concept.

Discussion Questions:
1.  Why did Cornelia Augusta make Valentines Day cards for her friends?
2.  Why did she study the hearts?
3.  Why did she cut holes in one heart?
4.  Why do you think that it was so important for Cornelia August to pick the perfect heart for each one of her friends?
5.  How do you feel when you get a thoughtful gift?
Activity:  After your discussion, have students create their own heartfelt gift.  You can keep this super simple and provide only paper and markers or you can provide simple materials such as paint, tissue paper, glitter, string, heart stickers, etc...

Connections:  you can find free printables here:  Teachers Pay Teachers.  Free Clipart images from the story HERE.  You could also get this activity for a few dollars:  Teachers Pay Teachers.

Some ideas for heartfelt projects:

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